Did you know over 90% of the meals are prepared fresh and onsite here at the DRHC?


Open 7 days per week; provides a comforting atmosphere for staff, customers and clients.

Meal Plans Dietitian Approved

Your body needs good nutrition every day. It's especially important to eat well when you are recovering from an illness, injury or surgery. Your physician has ordered a nutrition plan based on your individual needs to help you return to normal activities. Standard meals are prepared to meet the specific diet requirements in accordance with Canada's Food Guide.

Catering Service

Internal catering services available; speak to your nurse or one of the staff in the Kitchen to learn more.

Meals-on-Wheels Program

DRHC Food Services partner with Patricia Region Senior Services Home Support and Volunteers to provide nutritious meals to members of the community all days of the year.

Senior Luncheon Program

DRHC Food Services collaborate with Patricia Region Senior Services Home Support and community Volunteers to provide Social Luncheons at three senior housing complexes in the community. The catered luncheons encourage seniors to leave their apartments and socialize with neighbours and friends over a healthy meal. People have been breaking bread together for centuries to the mutual benefit of all; why change a great recipe?

*Due to COVID-19 Restrictions, the Senior Luncheon Program has been temporarily halted.

BP.O. Box 3003, 58 Goodall Street, Dryden, Ontario, Canada, P8N 2Z6     Apatientrelations@drhc.on.ca     x807-223-8200     TTY807-223-8295     * ^

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